信通院组建AIR 联盟,“星火·链网”正式发布名字服务(BNS)!

发布日期:2023-06-29 15:21:35   来源 : 星火链网    作者 :邢娜    浏览量 :1781
邢娜 星火链网 发布日期:2023-06-29 15:21:35  
6月28日,以“标识向实 融创未来”为主题的2023工业互联网标识大会(广东)在广州成功举办。本次大会由广东省通信管理局、中国信息通信研究院(以下简称“中国信通院”)共同主办。广东省通信管理局党组书记、局长蔡立志,中国信息通信研究院党委书记、副院长宋灵恩出席活动并致辞,挪威工程院院士、IEEE计算机学会区块链主席容淳铭发表演讲,福建省通信管理局党组书记、局长黄子河,海南省通信管理局党组书记、局长平义真,中国电信股份有限公司广东分公司党委书记、总经理崔占伟,广西壮族自治区通信管理局党组成员、副局长魏艳,广东省通信管理局党组成员、副局长肖永忠,广州市工业和信息化局一级调研员韩国旭,广州市黄埔区人民政府一级调研员杨家伟出席本次活动。

The 2023 Industrial Internet Identifier Conference (Guangdong), under the theme of “Identifier to Reality, Integration to the Future”, was successfully held by Communications Administration of Guangdong Province and China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT) in Guangzhou on June 28. 

会上,中国信通院工业互联网与物联网研究所所长金键对星火名字服务(BNS)以及AIR联盟筹备组的整体情况进行了详细介绍,并代表AIR联盟筹备组发布了《星火名字服务白皮书》,同时举办了星火名字服务BNS发布仪式暨AIR联盟筹备组成立仪式。作为 “星火·链网”国际公共服务,BNS的重磅推出标志着“星火·链网”全球化业务布局进程加速,海外服务运营开启崭新篇章。

Jin Jian made a detailed introduction about BNS and the preparatory team AIR. The preparatory team also presented the White Paper of Blockchain-based Name System, which described BNS in details. The launching ceremony of Blockchain-based Name System (BNS) and the establishing ceremony of the preparatory team for AIR, Alliance of ID Registry, were held during the conference. As the global service provided worldwide, the launch of BNS marks the accelerating development of Xinghuo BIF global landscape, and also a new chapter of its overseas operation. 

中国信通院工业互联网与物联网所所长金键、MY E.G.集团中国区总经理李菲、澳门融贯投资科技有限公司总经理陈祥、清华大学副研究员赵滨、浪潮工业互联网股份有限公司广州中心总经理乌苏晋、北龙中网(北京)科技有限责任公司华南大区总监王刚共同出席发布仪式。同时,来自全球金融科技学院、布比(北京)网络技术有限公司、杭州溪塔科技有限公司等国内外组织机构的代表发来贺词,祝贺AIR联盟筹备组正式成立。

Attendees who initiated this glorious moment included Jin Jian, director of the Institute of Industrial Internet and Internet of Things, Li Fei, general manager of MYE.G. Services Berhad China, Chen Xiang, general manager of Macao Rongguan Investment Technology Co., Ltd., Zhao Bin, associate researcher of Tsinghua University, Wu Sujin, general manager of Guangzhou Center of Inspur Industrial Internet Co., Ltd., Wang Gang, director of South China Region of Beilong Zhongwang (Beijing) Technology Co., Ltd.. Meanwhile, institutions including Global Financial Technology Institute, Bubi (Beijing) Network Technology Co., Ltd., Hangzhou Xita Technology Co., Ltd., sent congratulatory messages to the successful establishment of the AIR preparatory team. 



A New Names Service built on Xinghuo BIF

星火名字服务(Blockchain-based Name System,BNS),是基于区块链基础设施“星火·链网”打造的创新应用服务之一,为全球用户提供名字注册、管理和解析等服务,秉承着用户使用友好、名字空间灵活、映射对象多元、多方平等共治的理念,将人类难以记忆的区块链地址、分布式标识BID等标识符转化为人类可识读的、具有个人身份价值或品牌商业价值的名字,促进“星火·链网”生态中应用的推广与规模化发展。

The Blockchain-based Name System (BNS) is one of the innovative application services built on Xinghuo BIF blockchain infrastructure, providing global customers with services such as name registration, management and resolution. It follows the principles of user-friendly design, flexible names choices, diverse mapping objects, and multi-party governance. Complex identifiers, such as blockchain addresses and decentralized identifier BID, are converted into human-readable names with personal identity or brand value. This promotes the adoption and scale-up of applications in the Xinghuo BIF ecosystem.


BNS names have a variety of identifiers, including non-relational names and relational names, and relational names can support multiple relationship types such as hierarchy. For example, users can directly register the string “alice” without a separator, and can also support the registration of the string “nft.alice” separated by “.” to create an imaginative namespace. The BNS namespace can be divided into three categories: Co-managed, User Space and Reserved Space. Users are free to register in the User Space.
The resolution of BNS names is done without hierarchies. By using the smart contract of Xinghuo BIF BNS resolver, it can support multiple types of resolution. BNS names can be mapped to one or more records at the same time, including but not limited to Xinghuo digital identity identifier BID, Xinghuo digital account address, Xinghuo DNA ID, etc.

With diverse identification subjects and various mapping objects, BNS supports multiple types of network applications and meets the need of different business scenarios. In addition, BNS names can work as identifiers and are unique as digital assets, which will create different application values.



Initiate the International Alliance to 

Promote the Global Development of BNS

星火名字发展联盟(Alliance of IDBNS Registry,AIR)(以下简称“AIR 联盟”)筹备组由全球合作伙伴共同发起成立,负责BNS名字的发展规划、名字空间治理、名字申请审核等。AIR联盟筹备组秉承“多方协同、开放合作、公平公正”的原则,开拓海外市场,推动国际企业的合作,充分把握潜在机遇,共同推进BNS全球化发展。目前,AIR联盟筹备组已吸引产业各界共70余意向会员的关注与参与。

The preparatory team of Alliance of IDBNS Registry (AIR), consisting of global partners, is aimed at the international development of BNS and responsible for name space governance, name application review, and development planning for BNS services. The team, following the principle of multi-party equality, co-governance, and win-win cooperation, endeavors to explore overseas markets, promote cooperation with international companies, and by fully grasping potential opportunities, jointly promote the global development of BNS. Up to now, over 70 partners from various fields are engaged in or paying attention to this team.


In the next step, there will be much more new application models to be developed in BNS, which could drive the large-scale construction of applications such as BID and digital native assets, meet the needs of diverse scenarios, and accelerate the global development of Xinghuo BIF.


The AIR preparatory team will keep working on the governance model innovation and business model expansion of BNS, adopt a sustainable development strategy, and recruit more partners, jointly creating a globally Web3 name service.

All the users are welcomed to register your own BNS name, and partners from all industries are welcomed to join the AIR preparatory team to participate in the governance and development of BNS!
For further information about BNS, please download the BNS White Paper from the official website.




For official website:

About Xinghuo BIF


Xinghuo BIF is a blockchain infrastructure supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and led by the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology (CAICT). It provides services mainly for the digital transformation and upgrading of industries, makes breakthroughs in Internet identifier, increases the blockchain application, and drives economic development. With open construction strategies and governance model, Xinghuo BIF positions as a blockchain infrastructure that provides service to the world and its construction was started in Aug 2020. On 3 Aug 2021, CAICT released BIF-Core, marking the start of its primary chain operation and global service. As of now, Xinghuo BIF has been primarily constructed, with improving public service capabilities and a growing ecosystem. It has fully leveraged the business characteristics of certain regions to empower cross-border digital trade and data flow through the established international super nodes (Malaysia and Macao), domestic super nodes (Xiamen and Liuzhou), as well as backbone nodes (Jiaozhou, Shandong, and Hengqin, Guangzhou). Supported by G20, BRICS, SCO, ASEAN, BRI and other international cooperative blocs, Xinghuo has brought international services to many of these partnership countries. In addition, Xinghuo BIF Global is now cooperating with Siemens, SAP and Panasonic on carbon asset trading, moving towards a higher level of globalization in blockchain innovative application. 

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